Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Free Stuff in Grand Cayman

Free Stuff in Grand Cayman, Really! (click here)

Grand Cayman has plenty of activities you can enjoy for free! 
If you are a family traveling with children, the information
below will show you just how it's done if you want to save your
vacation dollars!!  We even have ways you can make money
while enjoying some of the finest Resorts on the Island!


Anonymous said...

yes so i have left a few comments. just defending my caymanian heritage. which is a rare thing for me. but the comments in this blog are insane to say the least.

not all caymanians are like the ones you seem to have met.

like i said, don't be so quick to insult caymanians in cayman.

just remember that:-

not all caymanian girls are knocked up

not all caymanian kids aspire to work in banks

not all caymanian boys drive honda civics

not all filipinos eat cats

not all bartenders are canandian

not all caymanians avoid "menial labour"

not all caymanians spend sunday in churches

and bars are allowed to open at 12 on sunday

and just a question . .if black caymanians are not accepted by the white caymanians . .then why is there so many mixed caymanians?

why are so many people half and half (like myself)?

i guess since cayman is such a small country then you should have no problem finding the zara who wrote this. So have fun looking.

just in case you ever want to speak to:-

someone who isn't part of the sex servant business

or someone who isn't reading bible passages at home

or some who does lack such redeeming qualities like a thin nose, and thin lips (but is apparently accepted by society). . .

jah bless.

(just thought i'd throw in a little rastafarian since you know, all caymanians are rastafarian christians)


Mighty Afroditee said...

Hmmm...read that particular post that Ms. Z refers to, and deemed it to be 'tongue in cheek'. As long as you picked on everyone indiscriminantly, I had no problems with it. I know those same stereotypes are used prevalently throughout the Caymanian society, despite what people may claim. Therefore, not requiring the said 'defense'. But que sera sera.

Jah Irie and all of that other stuff.


CaymanJuice said...

Lol, is all I've got to say. Everyone was picked upon accordingly.