It is a wide held belief that
some Filipinos in Cayman eat the wild chickens and dogs in Cayman. There are eye witness accounts of up to 15 Filipino's living in a one bedroom dwelling. That in itself should tell the story of economic hardship for some of these people while living and working in Grand Cayman. Although, 1CI dollar is worth 50 Filipino pesos, the cost of living in Cayman is very expensive if you only earn $3.00CI an hour (there is no minimum wage) and have to pay $800CI plus utilities for a 1bdrm shack of an apartment. Granted these types of jobs
are menial, and do not require back breaking labor.
However, now family pets are going missing.
Case in point, a friend's dog recently went missing (he had a collar on and ID) and was found chained up and looking
ragged in a cage in the back yard with slices of flesh cut out from different parts of his body. The home was occupied by up to fifteen Filipino people! The police were called and the event recorded after he liberated his frightened pet, but no charges were laid, because of lack of proof that the thieves stole the dog and were slowly eating it.
This brings into question if some Filipino's even eat dogs. Well the answer is yes, and the information is
here and
Some Filipino's bring this
habit to Cayman and continue with it surreptitiously. This is quite perturbing. Makes you wonder if
this restaurant is serving dog or some other illicit meat.
People lock up your pets if you care about them! If dogs can eaten, so can the wild iguanas, cats, and other critters running around the island.
Update: Notice that I said
some Filipino's
. Not all Filipino's eat dogs, nor are they all uneducated, immoral, and sneaky. So save the comments stating that am I a racist, and examine your own views on other races. Now go lock up your dogs and other pets people of Cayman!